Wednesday 2 April 2014

Audience Feedback

After holding a private screening for our film trailer where we invited our chosen target audience to receive feedback from them. We created a questionnaire that they could fill out to show us clearly the feedback we wanted to receive and help us to clean up our trailer after the first cut.

We received a wide range of different answers from our questionnaire. There was positive comments about how the audience saw that the genre was clear for people to interpret as they watched it. Here are some of the questionnaires.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Tagline Creation

We researched in to a wide range of different quotes that related to money as it a massive concept of our film trailer. There are many different quotes that relate to money, enemies, misery and crime. we started with just searching for different quotes:

This gave us a good starting point on quotes for inspiration from many different sources ranging form actors, rappers, millionaires and age old quotes. With these we were able to make a wide range of inspirations to create a effective tagline.

We decided that as the main concept for our film was based on money we needed to include a reference to that in our film trailer, so then as a group we made a list of different tag lines we could include in our film trailer.

'Money isn't Everything' 
'Theres no such thing as enough money'
'Money can drive everyone insane'
'Violence is the only answer concerning Money'
'Stealing money is no sin'
'The Best things in life aren't free'

After looking at the 6 final possible tag lines we looked to see what they would look like on our developing poster and realised that many were too long and not quick or snappy enough. So we got down to the top three of:

'Money isn't Everything'
'Stealing money is no Sin'
'The best things in life aren't free'

We then discussed which each tagline implied and all decided that 'The Best things in life aren't free' was the most fitting as it related to the action of the trailer as the three main protagonists originally enjoy the money and the 'best' things they can do with it until it reveals a dangerous element that takes things away from them.

'The Best Things in Life aren't free'

Friday 28 March 2014

Tagline Research

For our film trailer we needed a tagline to attract an audience to our film, so we researched in to different crime films and there famous catchphrases from the most successful films.

This is a short clip of the nine best famous crime tagline/ catchphrases that I made;

From this research we discovered that the tagline was either a famous quote from the films or something related to the story. We also discover that a successful tagline needed to be short, simple and snappy to gather attention of people and be remembered.

The Godfather Films our famous for being successful crime films with many quotes that represent the tag lines or quotes from the films. On the posters there are quotes relating to the action and events of the films. For example; 'Real Power can't be given. It must be taken' or  'All the Power on Earth can't change destiny' this refers to power which is a huge concept of the film and links to the genre well.
In White Heat they use the actors name to play on  words for the tagline.The actor is famous and this intrigues the audience that have seen previous films of his. This allows them to link the taglines in 'Cagney is red hot in white heat'

In Goodfellas it uses the quote directly from the film 'As far back as I remember I've always wanted to be a gangster' which is a famous quote from the film and straight away gives the audience an expectation of what they will see.

This research allowed us to get a good idea for what our taglines could contain and how we could make them relate to the audience, the concept and the title. We gathered together to brainstorm ideas for our own tagline.

Editing Schedule

This is the editing schedule we have created to help us ensure we complete all post-production in time for the final deadline, and allow enough time for each section.