Sunday 27 October 2013

Music Video Inspiration

The music video 'I Knew You Were Trouble' by Taylor Swift gives a good insight to one of the the characters we want to portray in our film trailer as the grunge style is also a element of the music video. The character in the music video is represented as misunderstood, confident and bold. 

This music video shows a vulnerable naïve girl trying her best to appear strong, independent and confident. She is conforming to the people around her and what she thinks will keep them around.

As the music video progresses she talks about losing herself  because of her experience with him. The character gave up a lot for him by becoming someone else to impress him. This is something we could explore with in our characterisation as she is so desperate to please people she forgets about who she is. This character is seen as having her innocence taken away and she believes that he's perfect for her but in fact he's just trouble and a bad influence.

The style the character is dressed up in shows an
element of grunge as she's in dark clothes with heavy makeup and pink hair but in earlier shots of her we see her as more feminine, girly and cute. 

The characters emotional development is shown as getting worse as it proceeds as she has lost her confidence and how she's developed into something she's not. It implies that the girl at the end is just a character to hide who she truly is, in case of rejection. The character is conforming to attract the guy and shows how she needs to feel like she belongs somewhere to be able to feel comfortable.

The music video also implies there's an element to him that made her 'lose' herself. This can be interpreted as drug and alcohol taken that he has influenced her to do. The music video shows they go to a bar and a party which is both a place where this are expected so it shows how she's blinded by him to do stuff she wouldn't have done.


 The video represents vulnerability, naivety and lose of innocence . The video is summed up in the monologue which concludes the effect it had on her:

'I guess I just lost my balance. I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him, it was losing me.'

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