Friday 25 October 2013

Music Video Inspiration

For another character option we looked in to other music videos that were different from the other one. 22 came across as a more feminine girl that could be a good character as she could contrast the Grunge character.

I researched and found the same artist, Taylor Swift, who portrays an entirely different character, style and concept in this fun, girl and carefree video contrasting brilliantly against the other video. 

In the music video Taylor  is seen as spending a lot of time with her friends and mucking about, dancing, singing and playing with them. The character is seen as carefree and loves spending more time with her friends than boys and just likes to forget everything and just mess about and have fun.

The character's outfits are a lot more colourful, fun and friendly as there's splashes of yellow, green, blue and bright patterns. Her makeup is very natural except the bright red lipstick she wears earlier on which is know to be a very sexy feminine colour to wear. This all portrays the character to be very soft caring and ladylike as she's delicate in all her colourful girly patterns and clothes.

 Some shots portray the character as carefree which connects with the grunge character as there both trying to convey to friends, family or acquaintances that there not bothered by anything and there strong, independent and just want to
have fun.

The character is lively, bubbly and always seeming to have a good time. Taylor portrays a girl who is well of as she lives in a big house with a pool and massive garden. This parades wealth and materialistic items and the character is seen with different nice clothes, accessories and items that contrast the grunge character who had a minimal amount of stuff and was confided to a small dark places.
The music video inspires a girly girl character who is fun, friendly, bright and carefree who's well off and portrays that's she's problem free and having fun is her priority.

This character also has some elements that connect the two contrasting characters as they both seem to give an attitude of not caring or bothering about what other people think but behind the whole façade there both insecure in some ways and use this 'carefree' attitude to hide behind.

This allows us to explore that our two characters may come from different backgrounds but they still share some similarities if that be attitude, insecurities or sense of humour we can explore all this different aspects within our film trailer. There similarities could also lead them to becoming close and connecting eventually.

Here's the music video that I got the gifs and character inspiration from:

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