Friday 28 March 2014

Technologies Used

We used a variety of different technologies within the production and post production of our trailer, helping us to create our final piece.

Garage Band:

We looked at this Garage Band tutorial before we began working on the sound within our trailer, as this refreshed our knowledge of basic skills involved in using Garage Band, ensuring we could use it effectively to construct the sound we wanted for our trailer.

A lot of the skills we mastered on Garage Band came through experimentation and looking up tutorials to find ways of doing particular things we were unsure of, for example increasing the volume of only a certain part of the track.


We used iMovie to edit our trailer together, this was successful for us as we all have previous editing skills from AS coursework and previous experience of using iMovie. The fact we were not all in the same group last year meant that we had different skills to contribute to the editing process, this helped us to resolve any problems we had when using the software.

We again also used YouTube tutorials to help us master any skills we were unsure of, this combined with experimentation allowed us to create the track sounding as we wished it to.

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